Faith and Science in the Age of Secularization:
Return of the God Hypothesis

Faith and Science in the Age of Secularization: Return of the God Hypothesis


Our Program


Monday, June 3


10.00 – Registration

11.00 – Opening statement: Mr. Sławomir Olejniczak, fr. Michael Chaberek

11.15 – Lecture I: God, Chance and Evolution, Jay Richards

12.00 – Break

12.30 – Lecture II: Cosmic Fine-Tuning as a Design Argument, Brian Miller

13.30 – Lunch

14.30 – Lecture III: Why proteins say ‘no’ to unguided evolution? Douglas Axe

16.30 – Departure for Krakow for a Debate

18.00 – 21.00 – Debate on Intelligent Design. Sponsor: En Arche Foundation, Double Tree Hilton, Krakow.


Tuesday, June 4


   7.30 – Optional Holy Mass

   8.15 – Breakfast

   9.15 – Lecture IV: Thomas Aquinas and Evolution, fr. Michael Chaberek

10.15 – Lecture V: Is our Planet Privileged? – New Insights. Jay W. Richards

11.15 – Break

11.45 – Lecture VI: Theories of Life Spontaneous Emergence and Their Scientific Failure. Brian Miller

13.00 – Lunch

14.30 – Lecture VII: Why unguided evolution cannot go around the ‘no’? Douglas Axe

15.30 – Lecture VIII: The Theology of John Templeton. fr. Michael Chaberek

16.30 – Break

17.30 – Panel: How have I departed from Darwinism? How have I adopted Intelligent Design?

18.30 – Q&A Session

19.30 – Conclusion


Lectures topics


Douglas Axe:

  1. Why proteins say ‘no’ to unguided evolution?
  2. Why unguided evolution cannot go around the ‘no’?


Jay W. Richards

  1. God, Chance and Evolution
  2. Is our Planet Privileged? – New Insights.


Brian Miller

  1. Cosmic Fine-Tuning as a Design Argument
  2. Theories of Life Spontaneous Emergence and Their Scientific Failure


Michael Chaberek

  1. Thomas Aquinas and Evolution
  2. The Theology of John Templeton

Stowarzyszenie Kultury Chrześcijańskiej 

im. Ks. Piotra Skargi

ul. Augustiańska 28
31-064 Kraków

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